In Visual Studio 2010, Microsoft added the control in-build which provides developers much easier to use the control. Chart control introduced by late September 2009 as a separate service pack 1 with visual studio 2008. Microsoft as introduced this control with much aware of the present scenario of showing the data in image rather than a grid view or some data viewer controls. Prior to chart controls, developers need to check out for third party tools, some open source libraries or use HTML and GDI+ to draw some graphical image as a chart for the end users which requires more user code and time consuming. Chart controls provide a rich user interface for showing the numbers in a much graphical format where most of the end users are eager to look into. Chart controls are introduced with Visual Studio 2008 as a patch in Service Pack 1. In this article we are going to see how to use the new charting control with visual studio 2010. This article explains the use of chart control from the basic on how to install the required software for making the development environment and finally with a very good example on both web and windows applications.